Barcelona snapshots

Prof. Raül Andero

Raül Andero psiquiatra Controversies Psiquiatria Barcelona
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Moderador Debat: És possible i útil avançar cap a la psiquiatria de precisió?
Data Dijous, 20 d'abril, 2023
Hora 15:15 - 17:15


Raul Andero obtained his Ph.D. in Neuroscience (Extraordinary Doctoral Prize) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2010 studying behavioural animal models of stress and memory. Then he started as Postdoctoral Fellow and later promoted to Research Associate at the laboratory of Dr Ressler - Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Emory University, USA -. Professor Andero joined McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School as Faculty - Instructor in Psychiatry - in 2015. He combined studies with psychiatric patients and animal models of fear memory. He established his laboratory in 2016 at the UAB-Institute of Neuroscience as Ramón y Cajal Fellow. Since 2021 as ICREA Research Professor he continues the work of his laboratory aiming to translate behavioural and molecular basic findings into the clinic.