Previous editions
The Online Attendance option allows access to view the 8 recorded symposia —from 2016 to 2024. They offer more than 100 hours of recordings from 79 world-class speakers in their specialties. The videos are streamed in high definition (HD) with audio in English (Spanish audio also available). It can be purchased as a standalone package, but it is also available to everyone who registers for online attendance at the 2025 edition.
Scientific Programme 2024

View 2024 programme
- Benedikt Amann (Spain)
- Raül Andero (Spain)
- Martin Bohus (Germany)
- Christoph U. Correll (Germany/USA)
- Bridget Hogg (Spain)
- Julia König (Germany)
- Santiago Madero (Spain)
- Joaquim Radua (Spain)
- Ingo Schäfer (Germany)
- Marit Sijbrandij (The Netherlands)
- Dan Stein (South Africa)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
Scientific Programme 2023

View 2023 programme
- Raül Andero (Spain)
- Bernhard Baune (Germany)
- Elisabeth Binder (Germany)
- Annamaria Cattaneo (Italy)
- Christoph Correll (Germany/USA)
- Damiaan Denys (The Netherlands)
- Thalia Eley (UK)
- Chiara Fabbri (UK/Italy)
- Diego Hidalgo (Spain)
- Miquel Àngel Fullana (Spain)
- Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Germany)
- Jim van Os (The Netherlands)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
Scientific Programme 2021

View 2021 programme
- Veerle Bergink (USA)
- Michael Berk (Australia)
- Christoph Correll (Germany/USA)
- Pim Cuijpers (The Netherlands)
- Katharina Domschke (Germany)
- Paolo Fusar-Poli (United Kingdom)
- Iria Grande (Spain)
- Antoni Gual (Spain)
- Sir Robin M. Murray (United Kingdom)
- Kamilla Miskowiak (Denmark)
- Rafael Penadés (Spain)
- Brenda Penninx (The Netherlands)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
Scientific Programme 2020

View 2020 programme
- Jeremy W. Coid (United Kingdom)
- Philippe Courtet (France)
- Manuel Eisner (United Kingdom)
- Seena Fazel (United Kingdom)
- Helen Fisher (United Kingdom)
- Gail Gilchrist (United Kingdom)
- Rachel K. Jewkes (South Africa)
- James McGuire (United Kingdom)
- Sian Oram (United Kingdom)
- Mara Parellada (Spain - USA)
- Dick Swaab (The Netherlands)
- Norma Verdolini (Italy - Spain)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
- Rachel Yehuda (USA)
Scientific Programme 2019

View 2019 programme
- Borwin Bandelow (Germany)
- Michael Bauer (Germany)
- Catherine Belzung (France)
- German Berrios (United Kingdom)
- Christoph Correll (Germany/USA)
- Sara Evans-Lacko (United Kingdom)
- Oliver Howes (United Kingdom)
- Eileen Joyce (United Kingdom)
- John Kane (USA)
- Colleen Loo (Australia)
- Sanjay Mathew (USA)
- Herbert Meltzer (USA)
- Gitte Moos Knudsen (Denmark)
- Carmine Pariante (United Kingdom)
- Michael Thase (USA)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
Scientific Programme 2018

View 2018 programme
- Michael Berk (Australia)
- German Berrios (United Kingdom)
- Christoph Correll (USA)
- David Fowler (United Kingdom)
- Guy Goodwin (United Kingdom)
- Catherine Harmer (United Kingdom)
- Thomas Insel (USA)
- Michael Marmot (United Kingdom)
- Robin Murray (United Kingdom)
- Brenda Penninx (Netherlands)
- Art Petronis (Canada)
- Anita Riecher-Rösler (Switzerland)
- Dan Stein (South Africa)
- Jim van Os (Netherlands)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
- Alison Yung (United Kingdom)
Scientific Programme 2017

View 2017 programme
- Richard Bentall (United Kingdom)
- German E. Berrios (United Kingdom)
- Nick Craddock (United Kingdom)
- Benedicto Crespo-Facorro (Spain)
- Pim Cuijpers (Netherlands)
- Damiaan Denys (Netherlands)
- Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Austria)
- Thomas Fuchs (Germany)
- Mario Maj (Italy)
- Peter McGuffin (United Kingdom)
- David C Mohr (USA)
- Jerrold F. Rosenbaum (USA)
- Simon Wessely (United Kingdom)
- Lex Wunderink (Netherlands)
Scientific Programme 2016

View 2016 programme
- Anthony Bateman (United Kingdom)
- German E. Berrios (United Kingdom)
- Lucile Capuron (France)
- Jeremy Coid (United Kingdom)
- Christoph Correll (USA)
- Allen Frances (USA)
- Elizabeth Kuipers (United Kingdom)
- Ulrich Hegerl (Germany)
- Raymond Lam (Canada)
- Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (Germany)
- John O'Brien (United Kingdom)
- Jim van Os (Netherlands)
- Eduard Vieta (Spain)
Sample talk
- Prof. Guy Goodwin, University of Oxford, UK.
- Title: "Cognitive symptoms as a target for treatment of depression"
- April 21st, 2018 at the 25 edition.
- Prof. Goodwin's bio, the abstract, and some downloadable references are available at: BIO & ABSTRACT
Topics in previous editions
Year | Topics |
2024 | Trauma & Mental Health |
2023 | Precision Psychiatry? |
2021 | El Challenge of Prevention |
2020 | Violence and Aggression |
2019 | Treatment resistance |
2018 | Complexity in Psychiatry |
2017 | "Crisis" in Psychiatry? |
2016 | Borderlands of Psychiatry |
2015 | Targets in clinical practice: symptoms or disorders? |
2014 | Insight in Psychosis |
2013 | Atypicality in Psychiatry |
2012 | New Perspectives on depression |
2011 | Chronicity in Psychiatry |
2010 | Hallucinations and Delusions |
2009 | Suicidal Behaviour |
2008 | Beyond the Kraepelinian nosology |
2007 | Risk Factors in Psychiatry |
2006 | Today's Psychopathology |
2005 | Comorbidity |
2004 | Treatment Ressistance |
2003 | Combined Therapies |
2002 | Anxiety Neurosis |
2001 | Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders |
2000 | Delusions |
1999 | Dissociative States |
1998 | Hypochondriasis |
1997 | Melancholia |
1996 | Bipolarity in Affective Disorders |
1995 | The Nosology of Anxiety Disorders |
1994 | Dysmorphophobia and BDD |
Faculty at previous meetings
Listed in alphabetical order:
- Akiskal, Hagop S. (University of California, San Diego, USA)
- Aleman, André (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Alvarez, Enric (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Amsterdam, Jay D. (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
- Andero, Raül (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
- Artigas, Francesc (IDIBAPS, Spain)
- Ayuso, Jose L. (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- Ayuso-Mateos, Jose L. (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
- Baca, Enrique (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
- Ballus, Carlos (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Barcia, Demetrio (University of Murcia, Spain)
- Barsky, Arthur J. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Bateman, Anthony (University College London, UK)
- Bayon, Carmen (Madrid, Spain)
- Bebbington, Paul E. (King's College, London, UK)
- Bentall, Richard (Liverpool University, UK)
- Berk, Michael (Deakin University, Australia)
- Bernardo, Miquel (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Bergink, Veerle (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA)
- Berrios, German E. (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Birtchnell, Sandra (St George's Hospital, London, UK)
- Blackburn, Ivy-Marie (St Nicholas Hospital, Newcastle, UK)
- Bob, Petr (Charles University, Czech Republic)
- Bobes, Julio (University of Oviedo, Spain)
- Bohus, Martin (Heidelberg University, Manheim, Germany)
- Bourgeois, Marc (University of Bordeaux, France)
- Bowden, Charles L. (University of Texas, USA)
- Bremner, J. Douglas (Yale University, USA)
- Brockington, Ian F. (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Brown, Alan S. (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- Bulbena, Antoni (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Capuron, Lucile (University of Bordeaux, France)
- Carracedo, Ángel (Santiago de Compostela University, Spain)
- Carrasco, José Luis (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- Cardoner, Narcís (Parc Taulí, Spain)
- Casas, Miquel (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Castagnini, Augusto (Aarhus Psychiatric University Hospital, Denmark)
- Catalan, Rosa (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Cervera, Salvador (University of Navarra, Spain)
- Christodoulou, George N. (University of Athens, Greece)
- Chu, James A. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Clark, Lee Anna (University of Iowa, USA)
- Cloninger, C. Robert (Washington University in St Louis, USA)
- Coid, Jeremy W. (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Collier, David A. (King's College, London, UK)
- Combs, Dennis R. (University of Texas, TX, USA)
- Conde, Valentín (University of Valladolid, Spain)
- Corcoran, Rhiannon (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Correll, Christoph U. (Hofstra North Shore LIJ School of Medicine, NY, USA)
- Coryell, William H. (University of Iowa, USA)
- Costa Molinari, Josep Mª (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Courtet, Philippe (Université de Montpellier, France)
- Covino, Nicholas (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Craddock, Nick (Cardiff University, UK)
- Craske, Michelle G. (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
- Crespo, Jose Manuel (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Crespo-Facorro, Benedicto (University of Cantabria, Spain)
- Crow, Timothy J. (Oxford University, UK)
- Cuenca, Eduardo (University of Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain)
- Cuesta, Manuel J. (Pamplona, Spain)
- Cuijpers, Pim (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Cutting, John (King's College, London, UK)
- David, Anthony (King's College, London, UK)
- De la Peña, Francisco (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico)
- Denys, Damiaan (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Diez-Quevedo, Crisanto (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Domschke, Katharina (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Dunlop, Boadie W. (Emory University. Atlanta, GA, USA)
- Ehlers, Anke (University of Oxford, UK)
- Eisner, Manuel (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Ellis, Hadyn D. (Cardiff University, UK)
- Escobar, Javier I. (University of New Jersey, USA)
- Fazel, Seena (University of Oxford, UK)
- Figueira, Maria Luisa (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Fisher, Helen (King’s College Londo, UK)
- Foa, Edna B. (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
- Fineberg, Naomi (Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Hertfordshire, UK)
- Fleischhacker, Wolfgang (University of Insbruck, Austria
- Frances, Allen J. (Duke University, NC, USA)
- Fuchs, Thomas (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- Fuentenebro, Filiberto (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- Fusar-Poli, Paolo (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
- Gallego, Juan A. (Hofstra North Shore LIJ School of Medicine, NY, USA)
- Garety, Philippa A. (King's College, London, UK)
- Gasto, Cristobal (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Gaviria, Moises (University of Illinois, USA)
- Gibbons, Robert D. (University of Illinois, Chicago, USA)
- Giner, José (University of Sevilla, Spain)
- Gilchrist, Gail ( King’s College London, UK)
- Goff, Donald C. (NYU Langone Medical Center, NY, USA)
- Gomez-Beneyto, Manuel (University of Valencia, Spain)
- Goodwin, Frederick K. (George Washington University, Washington, USA)
- Goodwin, Guy M. (University of Oxford, UK)
- Gracia Marco, Ramon (University of La Laguna-Tenerife, Spain)
- Grande, Iria (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
- Grant, Paul (NIMH Bethesda, USA)
- Gray, Jeffrey A. (King's College, London, UK)
- Green, Alan I. (Darmouth University, USA)
- Greenberg, Benjamin D. (Brown University, USA)
- Griez, Eric J.L. (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)
- Grunze, Heinz (University of Newcastle, UK)
- Gual, Antoni (Hospital Clínica, Barcelona, Spain)
- Gutierrez, Miguel (University of Basque Country, Spain)
- Hadzi-Pavlovic, Dusan (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Häfner, Heinz (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- Halbreich, Uriel (State University of New York, Buffalo, USA)
- Halmi, Katherine A. (Cornell University, New York, USA)
- Hawton, Keith (Oxford University, UK)
- Hegerl, Ulrich (University of Leipzig, Germany)
- Hjelmeland, Heidi (University of Trondheim, Norway)
- Hoehn-Saric, Rudolf (Jonhs Hopkins, Baltimore, USA)
- Hollander, Eric (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA)
- Hunter, Elaine C.M. (King's College, London, UK)
- Iglesias-González, Maria (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
- Jablensky, Assen (University of Western Australia, Australia)
- Jenike, Michael A. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Jewkes, Rachel (Medical Research Council, South Africa)
- Jorquera, Aurora (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Kane, John M. (Hofstra North Shore LIJ School of Medicine, NY, USA)
- Katona, Cornelius L.E. (University of London, UK)
- Keane, Terence M. (Boston University, USA)
- Kernberg, Otto F. (Cornell University, New York, USA)
- Kirmayer, Laurence J. (McGill University, Canada)
- Kingdon, David symposium (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
- Klein, Daniel N. (Stony Brook University, NY, USA)
- Klein, Donald F. (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- Kluft, Richard P. (Philadelphia, USA)
- Kocsis, James H. (Cornell University, NY, USA)
- Kroenke, Kurt (Indiana University, USA)
- Krystal, John H. (Yale University, USA)
- Kuipers, Elizabeth (King's College London, UK)
- Kuyken, Willem (University of Exeter, UK)
- Lahti, Adrienne C. (University of Alabama, AL, USA)
- Lam, Raymond W. (University of British Columbia, Canadá)
- Leal, Carmen (University of Valencia, Spain)
- Leckman, James F. (Yale University, USA)
- Leff, Julian (Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK)
- Lierberman, Daniel Z. (George Washington University, DC, USA)
- Liebowitz, Michael R. (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- Links, Paul S. (University of Toronto, Canada)
- Loas, Gwenole (University of Amiens, France)
- Lobo, Antonio (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
- Lopez-Ibor Aliño, Juan J. (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- Lopez-Ibor, Maria Ines (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- McGuffin, Peter (King's College of London, UK)
- Maes, Michael (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)
- Maj, Mario (University of Naples, Italy)
- Manschreck, Theo (Corrigan MHC, Massachussets, USA)
- Marková, Ivana S. (University of Hull, UK)
- Markowitz, John C. (Cornell University, New York, USA)
- Marks, Isaac M. (University of London, UK)
- Marneros, Andreas (Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg, Germany)
- Marques-Teixeira, João (Porto, Portugal)
- Maser, Jack D. (University of California, San Diego, USA)
- Mayou, Richard (Oxford University, UK)
- McGrath, Patrick J. (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- McGuffin, Peter (King's College, London, UK)
- McGuire, James ( University of Liverpool, UK)
- McGuire, Philip (King's College, London, UK)
- McKenna, Peter J. (Cambridge, UK)
- McNally, Richard J. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Mendez, Mario F. (University of California at Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- Merikangas, Kathleen R. (NIMH Bethesda, USA)
- Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- Miskowiak, Kamilla (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Möller, Hans-Jürgen (University of Munich, Germany)
- Moskowitz, Andrew (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Mohr, David C (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA)
- Munro, Alistair (University of Halifax, Canada)
- Murphy, Siobhan (University of London, UK)
- Murray, Robin M (King's College, London, UK)
- Naber, Dieter (University of Hamburg, Germany)
- Nanni, Ricardo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico)
- Neziroglu, Fugen (Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, NY, USA)
- Noyes, jr., Russell (University of Iowa, USA)
- Nutt, David (Imperial College London, UK)
- Obiols, Jordi (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- O'Brien, John (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Oquendo, Maria A. (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- Oram, Siam (King’s College Londo, UK)
- Otto, Michael W. (Boston University, USA)
- Pacheco Palha, Antonio Jose (University Oporto, Portugal)
- Palomo, Tomas (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
- Panksepp, Jaak (Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA)
- Papakostas, George (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Parellada, Mara (University of California San Francisco, USA)
- Pariante, Carmine (King's College, London, London, UK)
- Paris, Joel (McGill University, Toronto, Canada)
- Parker, Gordon B (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Penadés, Rafael (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
- Peralta-Martín, Victor (Servicio Navarro de Salud, Osansubidea, Spain)
- Perez-Sola, Victor (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Perugi, Giulio (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Phillips, Katharine A. (Brown University, Providence, USA)
- Pichot, Pierre (Paris, France)
- Pizzagalli, Diego A. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Portella, Maria (IIB Sant Pau, Spain)
- Pope, Harrison G (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Prien, Robert F. (NIMH, Rockville, USA)
- Prudic, Joan (Columbia University, NY, USA)
- Rapaport, Mark H.(Emory University, GA, USA)
- Rasmussen, Steve (Brown University, USA)
- Robert G. Robinson (University of Iowa, USA)
- Rojo, Luis (University of Valencia, Spain)
- Rosen, James C. (University of Vermont, USA)
- Rosenbaum, Jerrold F. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Ross, Colin A. (Dallas, USA)
- Roth, Sir Martin (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Saiz, Jeronimo (University of Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain)
- Salkovskis, Paul (Oxford University, UK)
- Sanchez-Planell, Luis (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Sanjuan, Julio (University of Valencia, Spain)
- Sanislow, Charles A. (Wesleyan University. Connecticut, USA)
- Sartorius, Norman (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
- Schou, Mogens (Denmark)
- Scott, Jan (King's College, London, USA)
- Shaffer, David (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- Sierra-Siegert, Mauricio (King's College, London, UK)
- Siever, Larry J. (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA)
- Silk, Kenneth R. (University of Michigan, USA)
- Siris, Samuel G. (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA)
- Skodol, Andrew E. (University of Columbia, New York, USA)
- Soloff, Paul H. (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Spiegel, David (Stanford University, USA)
- Spitzer, Manfred (University of Ulm, Germany)
- Stein, Dan (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
- Sugranyes, Gisela (IDIBAPS, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain)
- Summerfeldt, Laura (Trent University, Canada)
- Swaab, Dick (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands)
- Swanson, Jeffrey W. (Duke University, USA)
- Tandon, Rajiv (University of Florida, FL, USA)
- Talbott, John A. (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA)
- Thase, Michael E. (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Tizon, Jorge L. (Barcelona, Spain)
- Tobeña, Adolf (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Torrens, Marta (IMIM - Hospital del Mar, Spain)
- Torrubia, Rafael (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Travis, Michael (Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK)
- Tsuang, Ming T. (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Turecki, Gustavo (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
- Tyrer, Peter J. (Imperial College, London, UK)
- Uhde, Thomas W. (University of Detroit, USA)
- Vallejo-Ruiloba, Julio (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Van Heeringen, Kees (University of Gent, Belgium)
- Van Os, Jim (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
- Vanderlinden, Johan (Universitair Centrum St.Jozef, Belgium)
- Vazquez-Barquero, J. (University of Cantabria, Spain)
- Verdolini, Norma (IDIBAPS BITRECS, Spain)
- Vieta, Eduard (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Viola, Laura (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
- Watson, David B. (University of Iowa, USA)
- Wessely, Simon C. (King's College of London, UK)
- Widiger, Thomas A. (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
- Williams, J Mark G (Oxford University, UK)
- Winokur, George (University of Iowa, USA)
- Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich (Max Planck Institute, Munchen, Germany)
- Wykes, Til (King's College of London, UK)
- Wunderink, Lex (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Yehuda, Rachel (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA)
- Young, Elizabeth A. (University of Michigan, USA)
- Zanarini, Mary (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
- Zimmerman, Mark (Brown University, RI, USA)
- Zohar, Joseph (Tel Aviv University, Israel)