Barcelona snapshots

Prof. Louise M Howard

Louise M Howard psiquiatra Controversias Psiquiatria Barcelona
King’s College London, Regne Unit
Ponència Violència en la parella i salut mental
Data Dijous, 3 de Setembre, 2020
Hora 15:00 a 15:45
Taula rodona Psicopatologia induïda per la violència


Professor Howard was appointed Professor in Women’s Mental Health at King’s College London, United Kingdom, in 2010. Her research programmes focus on maternal mental health, and violence and health. She is also an Honorary Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

She has won a number of prizes and awards for her research including the Association of European Psychiatrists Research Prize, the Institute of Psychiatry Dennis Hill Prize, and the Royal College of Psychiatrists Bronze Medal research prize. Professor Howard was also awarded an NIHR Research Professorship for 2013-18, awarded the International Marcé Society’s Marcé Medal for excellence in perinatal mental health research in 2014 and an NIHR Senior Investigator Award in 2019.